Here are some pictures, sounds, and scenes to give you an idea about me as a filmmaker.
I started with stop motion and Bolex in the early nineties. Nowadays, most of my work is in Maya or Houdini. But I still have 30 kg of plasticine and a couple of armatures in my workshop, just in case!
My ambition is to create compelling characters and sensational story worlds while commenting and questioning the real world. Animation can keep serious topics light and handle dark themes without getting too preachy - it all depends on the talent and devotion of the filmmaker.
I've done short films where I did everything myself and feature films and series with big international teams. I have been directing every frame you see here, but there would be nothing to show without the contribution of the talented and hardworking artists working with me.
Thanks a lot for visiting - I hope to see you again.
- Kari J